88.1 the Park February Staff Member of the Month – Sam Vertin
Congratulations to Plymouth Sophomore Sam Vertin. He is 88.1 the Park’s Staff Member of the Month for February 2017.
Sam is an on-air host on 88.1 every Thursday from 2:20 – 4:00 p.m. He also serves on the station’s music staff and regularly hosts interviews with artists and music critics.
“Sam is very dedicated to the station,” said Bill Keith, Station Manager, “I’ve been especially impressed by his Backstage Pass interviews. He regularly reaches out to interesting bands and he spotlights their work through his interviews. I’m excited that we have him on staff for a couple more years because I know he will do great things for the station.”
88.1 the Park Auditions – Applications Due Monday Jan. 30
Students at Plymouth-Canton Educational Park can join the staff of one of the best high school radio stations. 88.1 The Park is accepting applications for new staff members and they are due on Monday January 30.
Students will have an opportunity to work in all areas of the station’s operation including as a DJ, Sports Announcer, Promotions Assistant, News Anchor and Production Assistant. They will gain experience that will prepare them for careers in media and will develop business skills that will stick with them for a lifetime.
The station will host an informational meeting for interested students and their parents on Thursday January 19, at Salem room 2106. They will be able to learn more about the station, the audition process, and staff expectations.
Applications are available at the Canton, Plymouth and Salem High School General Offices, and at the station’s office at Salem. They are also available at our website.
A list of students that receive auditions will be posted at the station on Wednesday February 1. Auditions will take place on Tuesday February 7, 2016 at 2:30 p.m. at the station’s office at Salem (2110).
Students auditioning will be given a packet to prepare a newscast. They will read the newscast at the audition and will be involved in a short job interview.
88.1 the Park Staff Member of the Month – November 2016
Congratulations to Plymouth Senior, Clay Martin, and Canton Sophomore, Fiona Hughes. They are 88.1 the Park’s November 2016 Staff Members of the Month.
Clay is 88.1 the Park’s Sports Director. This Fall he has been our lead Sports Play-by-Play Host and has spent many hours coordinating our high school football broadcasts. He also is the host of the Women’s Sports Report which is heard on the first Monday of each month at 5:45 p.m.
“Clay has grown incredibly as a live sports announcer,” said Bill Keith, Station Manager. “Before this school year he has had limited play-by-play announcing opportunities. But this year he jumped right in and took the lead to make these broadcasts a success. He has spent hours preparing for games and interviewing coaches. We’re lucky to have Clay on our staff.”
Fiona is one of the station’s best DJ’s. She also has done several band interviews for the station’s Backstage Pass program.
“Sometimes we think Fiona lives here,” said Keith. “She spends many hours at the station. It amazes me how good she sounds on-air because she has only been on the station for just over a year. Each time I listen to her show I fund new ways she’s grown as a DJ. She definitely makes us sound better as a station.”
Spreading the Airwaves – 88.1 the Park Newsletter Issue 34
The latest issue of the 88.1 the Park Newsletter features an interview with WSDP Alum Beth Eckerty (Plymouth-Canton ’95). You can also learn about the station’s success at the National Association of Broadcasters Marconi Awards and plans for alumni reunions.
88.1 the Park Staff Member of the Month – October 2016
Congratulations to Ian Kandt. Ian is the 88.1 the Park Staff Member of the Month for October.
Ian is one of 88.1 the Park’s most dedicated DJ’s. He hosts a show on Monday from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and he is working hard to improve his show and on-air delivery each week. Ian also works and the station’s news and production staff.
“We love having Ian on our staff,” said Bill Keith, Station Manager. “Ian is one of our hardest working staff members. He always has interesting ideas and questions about improving the station. We’ve seen him grow in big ways as an on-air host.”