Community Focus – April 29, 2015
Max Kuang interviews Rohan Vaishnav, Treasurer of the Plymouth-Canton Educational Park Indian American Student Association. They talked about IASA’s Show and Dinner on Friday May 1, at the Salem High School Auditorium. They also talked about IASA’s efforts to celebrate a more diverse community at P-CEP. This is the fourth interview in a series on diversity in the Plymouth-Canton Community.
Click to Download Community-Focus-20150429
Community Focus – April 22, 2015
Saba Mangla interviews Matthew Stiffler, Research and Content Manager for the Arab American National Museum in Dearborn. They talked about the unique contributions of Arab Americans, stereotypes and the museums work. This is the third interview in a series on diversity in the Plymouth-Canton Community.
Click to Download Community-Focus-20150422
Community Focus – April 15, 2015
Max Jenkins interviews George Belvitch, President of the Plymouth-Canton Chapter of PFLAG (Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. They talked about their work to support families that have a child that comes out, as well as their other work in the community.
Conversations with Mike – April/May 2015
Dr. Meissen interviews State Representative Kurt Heise and Plymouth-Canton Community Schools Board of Education Member Sheila Paton about school funding and Proposal 1. They discussed the financial challenges faced by the district, the Governor’s budget plan, and how the budget is finalized. They also talked about the impact of Proposal A and the possibility of updating Proposal A.
While the majority of the interview focuses on school funding they also discussed Proposal 1. Voters will choose whether to support Proposal 1 on May 5. If passed it will increase money available for road repairs, local governments and schools.
The interviews will air on April 21, 28 and May 5, at 5:40 p.m.
Click to Download Conversations-with-Mike-April-May2015
Community Focus – April 1, 2015
Max Kuang interviews Shenlin Chen, Executive Director of the Association of Chinese Americans. They talked about ACA’s history and work in the community. This is the first of a series of Community Focus programs on the diversity in the Plymouth-Canton Community.