Moments with Merritt – April 2018
The SJ5K is a charity run/walk that raises funds for families in the Plymouth-Canton Community that are facing a medical crisis. The race was started in 2011 to raise funds for Plymouth-Canton Educational Park student Jesse Lindlbauer. Jesse had suffered a near-fatal aneurysm. 1800 people participated in the first run and raised over $45,000 for the family. Since then the race has raised over $360,000 for 26 families. Plymouth-Canton Community Schools Superintendent, Monica Merritt, spoke with Salem Senior Katherine Parker, Head of Family Outreach, and Canton Senior Arianna Mattioli, Head of Promotions, about the race and opportunities for people to be involved.
The show will air on Tuesday April 3, 10, 17, 24 and May 1, at 5:45 p.m.